(563) 344-9393


Uncommon Ground of the Quad Cities uses the highest quality products and equipment to deliver unmatched customer service with guaranteed results.  We have researched, tested and made long-term investments in our equipment, products and personnel.  Because we have the most experienced team in the area, Uncommon Ground has the ability to identify, create, plan, problem-solve, and execute your dream project and scheduled services.


Landscaping design and installation


Residential and commercial irrigation

Lawn Care

Over 100+ years of lawn care experience

Commercial Ground Maintenance

Proper and consistent ground care


Wow, thank you Uncommon Ground for turning our plain old backyard into our relaxing oasis!  Uncommon Ground turned our patio into an extension of our home, it is like having an outdoor addition to the house.  From the moment Mike and Chad were on-site to get measurements, to the bidding/planning process to the completion of the job, UG was so much fun to work with.  When the project was completed you could tell that the UG crew had taken absolute joy in another wonderful job done.  We were so happy with the work in the backyard, we hired UG to give the front of the house that “curb appeal”..and again, they did not disappoint.  We love the fact that we have the backyard where all the neighbors want to be and our children’s friends want to play.  Thanks Uncommon Ground for making our landscaping dreams come true!

Andrew L


Monday–Friday 7:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Saturday: By appointment only.
Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

(563) 344-9393

PO Box 418 Bettendorf, IA.

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